Life coaching



6 Month Transformation Coaching Package

Your Transformation Begins NOW

 My coaching space is made FOR you.  It is designed to empower you to transform into your next best version.  What does that mean really?

 You decide what you want.  It could be to stop surfing the internet for self help and start finding help within.  It could be to make more money in your business while never missing your son’s soccer game.  It could be to learn how to decide to quit a toxic corporate management job, and create a life coaching business.  It could be for you to discover your value in life and put it out into the world that is powerful and life giving for you.  The world is yours to play in and create.

 We work on the woman you want to become that creates the reality of your goal.

 I teach you the tools to discover this.  I teach you how to use your mind for your greatest good versus being your worst enemy.

 I empower you with the mindset and strategies so you know how to navigate the default thinking and patterns that you are working to release.

 We allow for 6 months for this process with weekly coaching and other value added services to support you in your journey.

 But.  At the end of it all.  You trust yourself more.  You love yourself more.  You engage in life MORE.  Because, you are made for MORE.


Let’s empower your life together.



Are you looking for a speaker to motivate or inspire your team into action that comes from self belief?  I also offer speaking presentations as well as workshops.  Share your information and we can tailor to suit the goals of you and your group.  I have had the pleasure of presenting for many different groups such York Traditions Bank – Her Traditions Initiative, Building Future Leaders of York County, Harley Davidson, Women’s Networking groups, and a variety of others. 

Let’s inspire your team.